Monday, September 30, 2019

Black People and Dorothy Allison Essay

Race, class and gender have been a topic for most books that have been written. A lot of books talk about these topics because it is something most people face. Whether you’re at work and can’t get a promotion because of your gender, excluded from a place because of your class or hated because of your race. Know matter what you will be faced with one if these topics in your life time. Dorothy Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina deals with these issues in a very intriguing way. She uses them to keep the story flowing and keep the reader interested. In the novel BOC, Allison uses race, class and gender in a very stereotypical way. The story of Bone takes place in a time where race was a conservational topic. You can say America was split in two groups, the whites and blacks. If you were black life was not easy. Black people were discriminated against. Even though slavery was over the black nation was not accepted by the white people. Racism means Discrimination or prejudice based on race (2). This word was not really used in this book because the narrative was Bone, a white girl. When Bone would visit Aunt Alma’s apartment she would come to face black children. There and then is when the stereotypes of black people started. The grown up’s in Bone had nothing good to say about the niggers that lived by Aunt Alma. â€Å"Running off with a man’s children, living in the dirty place with niggers all around. My little girls having to go up those stairs past those nigger boys. My wife walking the street past those peckerwoods! † (Allison 89). The family really did not approve of Aunt Alma living around black people. They were thought to be dirty and uncivilized people. Black people were also thought to be stupid and worthless. Bone was young at the time and did not know what to think about them. But she did not feel the same as her elders. Instead she made friends with them and learned to like them. I think Allison is trying to show the innocence of a child. Most kids are caring and loving until they are taught to hate. Bone grew up in a poor family. They would be considered in today’s society as trailer trash. The stereotype of poor white folks was present in Bastard out of Carolina. Anne and Glen did not really have money so it was hard to support the kids. They basically lived with very little. They couldn’t settle down at one house so they moved from one run down house to another. A lot of the characters described in this book had a lot of resemblance to what we would consider a red neck. For instance Uncle Travis has a big Chevy. Bone says it was jacked up so high that it easily cradled little kids or pregnant woman (Allison 1). Almost all the boys in the family had trucks. That’s typical for a red neck. Bone describes the Boatwright men as rugged, kind of dirty strong boys. They loved to fight and drink beer. The Boatwright family was big which again stereotyped poor white families. Also poor people are known to have kids out of wedlock. That was the situation Bone was. She was born out of wedlock and she never knew who her father was. That is the significance of the title Bastard out of Carolina. Gender also played a big role in this novel by Dorothy Allison. The male and female gender played a very distinctive role. In the Boatwright family the men are thought to be the physically strong. They take care of the family. They get into fights and are feared by a lot of people in town. Women of that time were supposed to stay at home cook and clean. They were supposed to wait for their husbands and never talk back. But I think Allison reversed the stereotype about women by making the Boatwright women very different. Most of them had jobs and were supporting them self’s. Aunt Raylene and Aunt Alma were some of the girls that lived by themselves. The women were strong too and they stuck together. Another way gender played a role was the relationship between Anne and Glen. From all the Boatwright women Anne was the weakest one. In the relationship Glen basically controlled Anne. Every time he did something bad she would end up forgiving him. Even after she found out he has been beating Bone she forgave him. Glen had all the power and Anne couldn’t do anything because she loved him. Bastard out of Carolina faces issues about race, class and gender. Allison builds a world where all these issues are faced. Through the main character Bone, we see how race, class and gender affect her and her family. Race played a role when Bone meets black people for the first time and instead of judging them she became friend with them. The Boatwright’s social status is not the best but they are feared by the community. They are considered poor and red necks. The last big issue that is seen in BOC is gender. Allison changed things up by making the women in the family stronger and more independent than other women of that time. In the end I think Allison decided to stereotype race, class and gender to show us it makes things worse then they already are. Work Cited 2 entries found for racism. 2003. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 19 Feb. 2006 http://owl. english. purdue. edu/handouts/research/r_mla. html Allison Dorothy. Bastard out of Carolina. New York. Penguin Group. 1993.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

John Edwards Essay

On the eve of Super Tuesday, there is one notable figure that is absent on the Democratic Ticket: John Edwards. To the dismay of some and to the delight of others, John Edwards recently dropped out of the Presidential Race. Edwards also ran in 2004 and was placed on the ticket with John Kerry who together, was narrowly beaten by George Bush and Dick Cheney that year. John Edwards did, during his run, attract a wide array of people who, never before, were interested in politics. There are many who believe that politicians who will only say what they believe will get them elected. John Edwards has been one of the few candidates who says what he believes and when he feels that he was on the wrong side of history, is quick to apologize for that vote. Some pundits would call that pandering but those who know John Edwards and those who have voted for him in the past and were planning on doing it again in the future, know the reality of the situation to be otherwise. It would then behoove those who find the democratic process in America fascinating and an example of the greatest example of representative democracy in the world, to explore one of the most successful candidates in modern American political history, who never became president but who had the voice of millions of Americans. John Edwards was born on June 10, 1953 in South Carolina. Upon entering college at Clemson University, Edwards was the first in his family to enroll in college. Edwards made the most of his time in college where he graduated with high honors and left Clemson with a degree in textile technology. It was also at this time where Edwards met and married Elizabeth Anania and together, had four children. Edwards has always had a close bond with his family and through his wife, Elizabeth, has found the strength to begin a life as a politician. Elizabeth Edwards, upon revealing that her cancer has come back and is indeed terminal, has become an inspiration to millions who admire her courage and/or have cancer themselves or have been affected by the deadly disease. They have not kept their struggle private but have instead voiced their experiences with the rest of the country. Focusing on Edwards’ career in the public forum: It first began in 1978 when Edwards became a lawyer at the law office of Dearborn & Ewing. It soon became obvious that Edwards had a real talent for the law profession and soon was winning some of the highest settlements for his clients in North Carolina History which totaled more than $70 million. The most notable case occurred in 1997 when Edwards took the case of a family whose young daughter had been disemboweled by a pool company who failed, after being warned of the dangers, of placing protective covers on the highly powerful suctions which are used to keep the pool water clean. The family was awarded a $25 million settlement. (Pear, 2008 pg. 18) Edwards, the family said, was selected to be their lawyer, because he had accepted less than the standard 33% legal fee of the judgment if the family lost the case or the settlement was small. The case served as a stepping stone for Edwards as it eventually prompted him to seek political office. Edwards won election to the U. S. Senate in 1998 as a Democrat in a state that was once known as a strong hold for the Republican Party. Edwards helped to break that mold and would remain a senator from 1998 until 2005 when he would eventually vacate his seat to seek the presidential nomination from his party. During his time in the Senate, Edwards sponsored 203 bills. (Krugman, 2008 pg. 6) It was here that Edwards’ voting record was established and his beliefs on some of the most pressing and important issues of the day, were set in motion. Due to the fact that John Edwards dropped out of the race before â€Å"Super Tuesday† he does not have campaign headquarters in Illinois. The main site of his campaign headquarters was in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. During his campaign, his main form of advertisement was divided between radio ads, television ads and on the internet. With regard to the Internet, ads were placed on his own personal website: www. johnedwards. com, online ads could also be found on websites such as www. myspace. com and www. youtube. com as well as with what has become known as â€Å"blogs† or online editorials from both his staff, supporters and those within the general community who supported John Edwards and believed that he would be the best choice for the country’s next president. All of the above mentioned were concentrated on the mediums that people that lived in the primary states, were going to see it as it would have been fiscally unwise to advertise in Washington State, when any candidate first needed to have a favorable showing in the Iowa caucus or the New Hampshire primary for example. One of the most important issues facing America today, and which is brought up in every campaign and promises to remain a controversial issue, is the war in Iraq. Edwards, like Hillary Clinton, voted for the Iraq War Resolution, only to reverse their opinions. Edwards stated in October 2002, after 9/11 and before the war in Iraq began: â€Å"Almost no one disagrees with these basic facts: that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a menace; that he has weapons of mass destruction and that he is doing everything in his power to get nuclear weapons; that he has supported terrorists; that he is a grave threat to the region, to vital allies like Israel, and to the United States; and that he is thwarting the will of the international community and undermining the United Nations’ credibility. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. ) Two years later, Edwards defended his vote by stating: â€Å"I would have voted for the resolution knowing what I know today, because it was the right thing to do to give the president the authority to confront Saddam Hussein†¦ I think Saddam Hussein was a very serious threat. I stand by that, and that’s why [John Kerry and I] stand behind our vote on the resolution. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. 2) It has been an issue that he later apologized as he officially changed` his mind on the issue. This has been viewed as weakness and pandering to some but has shown the human side of Edwards and humility. Many voters today are stating that the economy, to them, is the most important issue. This is understandable as many economists believe that a recession is coming, if she is not already here. Edwards advocated the rolling back of President Bush’s tax cuts which the Democrats perceived to be economic measures that are used only to benefit the rich. However, Edwards was in support of the President’s recent stimulus package which involves over $150 billion in rebate checks. The belief being that people will quickly place the money back into the economy which as an s results will help to avoid a further downward spiral of the economy. However, Edwards has differed from the president in the fact that he has called for the stimulus package to include rebates for the unemployed and uninsured; a wider range of individuals and people who, Edwards believes, deserves a larger share of the economic stimulus rebates. In the area of health care, Edwards has advocated that America follow the lead of Europe through the socialization of medicine. Edwards stated: â€Å"One of the reasons that I want to be President of the United States, is to make sure that every woman and every person in America, gets the same kind of things we have. John Edwards was commenting on this in reaction to the news that his wife’s cancer has come back with a redoubled vigor. Others who do not have the same financial abilities as the affluent Edwards family, can expect far inferior treatment. John Edwards seeks to change this. However, Edwards is careful to advocate universal health care and wants to show the difference between universal health care which most Americans want as opposed to socialism, which most people do not want. John Edwards has pledged to raise taxes $200 billion in order to pay for the program. Such sentiments raise a great deal of fear with those who believe in capitalism; the economic and social system that has given so much to America. If the aforementioned scare tactic were true, then one might have a credible reason for their objection. â€Å"There would be free choice of health care providers under a single payer universal health care system, unlike our current managed care system in which people are forced to see providers on the insurer’s panel to obtain medical benefits. Also, in regard to governmental involvement in universal health care, such fears are without merit. Taxes, fees and benefits would be decided by the insurer which would be under the control of a diverse board representing consumers, providers, business and government†¦ ‘The system would be run by a public trust, not the government. † (Krugman, 2008 pg. 3) John Edwards, like most Democrats, were critical of President Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind Act from its inception. Edwards agreed that the public school system is in deep trouble but states that NCLB does not go far enough â€Å"They didn’t fund the mandates that they put on the schools all over this country. That’s one of the reasons 800 teachers have been laid off in Cleveland. 1/3 of our public schools are failing under the Bush administration. Half of African-Americans are dropping out of high school. Half of Hispanic-American is dropping out of high school. We have a clear plan to improve our public schools that starts with getting our best teachers into the schools where we need them the most by creating incentives for them to go there. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. 7) Increased funding and a greater concentration on the reasons why students are failing instead of relying mostly on tests. That has been the emphasis of John Edwards’ view on education. John Edwards voted for the Patriot Act and had been rather hawkish at first, in Democratic terms, about the defense of the nation in this post 9/11 world. Edwards has been instrumental in the passage of The Biological and Chemical Weapons Preparedness Act. The bill, introduced by John Edwards with Chuck Hagel (`R-NE`), establishes a coordinated national plan for responding to biological and chemical weapons attacks and directs states to develop plans for dealing with such attacks. Edwards has also been hailed as a friend of the environment who has pushed for a greater government role in pursuing the reduction of emissions from some of the country’s biggest factories. The League of Conversation Voters has stated about Edwards: â€Å"An excellent choice that sends a clear message about the need for change and renewed optimism in our nation’s leadership for conservation, public health, and other issues important to the American people, â€Å"Yet another strong environmental leader [on] the Democratic presidential ticket,† (Griscom, 2008 www. rist. org) This stance has helped Edwards to gain support from a wide array of the political spectrum and has resembled the Democratic Party’s renewed interest in the environment. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, the Edwards camp raised more than $34 million and has spent $36 on campaigning, ads in Iowa and New Hampshire. He has ranked third behind Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in campaig ning finance and has ranked third in the polls as well. Unfortunately, there has been for some time in American politics, a direct correlation between the amount of money raised and the votes that a particular candidate, whether Republican or Democrat can acquire. This has been the case for John Edwards who for the time being, has dropped out of the 2008 Presidential Campaign but who could emerge as a Vice Presidential Candidate as he did in 2004.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Define Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Define Critical Thinking - Essay Example Such data is collected through knowledge, experiences, perception, and observation. After the data has been collected, the individual engages the mind in an attempt to make the data useful to formulate a solution. Such a process defines critical thinking. Therefore, critical thinking represents the logical connection of the available resources (ideas) to formulate the desired outcome. Just as necessity is the mother of invention, critical thinking is responsible for the decisions made on a daily basis. The importance of critical thinking lies on the different situations that individuals encounter. The sole reason why people think critically is to formulate the desired result. In most cases, the desired result is always a positive result. For example, it is imperative to think critically of how to connect with the audience during a speech presentation, play, or musical. In such cases, the presenter (s) cannot predict the reaction from the audience, but they can think through ideas on how to make the audience attached to the piece

Friday, September 27, 2019

Whistleblower Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whistleblower - Assignment Example relevant educational qualification and professional skills that will enable him/her differentiate wrong doing from what is expected of everyone (Alford, 2001). Further, whistleblowers are often guided by their beliefs and attitude thus they cannot be compromised by anything or anyone to abduct their noble mission of revealing wrongdoing or misconduct in organization to the general public or authorities (Westman & Modesitt, 2004). A whistle blower should be uninterested in altering his/her behaviour this is due to the fact that on the pursuit of exposing influential people he/she may be enticed with goodies to desist from his/her mission. Thus, a whistleblower should be firm to his/her behaviour of raising a red flag whenever something wrong is done within the organization. Whistleblowers are utilitarian in nature in that their actions are selfless and seek to provide good for the greatest number of people. Their actions are not for individual benefit but rather are meant to reap benefits for the general public (Alford, 2001). Clifford Jagodozinsk, an ex-employee of Morgan Stanley Barney LLC, decided to conduct a thorough investigation into the business conduct of one of the highly rated broker for the company. That broker had been recently hired having worked for the Bank of America for close to thirty years. On completion of the investigation, Jagodozinsk found that that broker was involved in churning preferred securities. He had made hundred thousands of dollars as a result of those illegal activities despite his actions being of minimal or loss to his clients. On reporting internally the findings of his investigation Jagodozinsk was pressured to drop the case, but he decided to report the matter externally (Alford, 2001). In a span of three weeks Jagodozinsk reported several breaches of law within the organization including; improper trading, drug abuse and failure to register home offices as workstations. This lead to him being relieved his duties at the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lotus Rental Cars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lotus Rental Cars - Research Paper Example However, electric cars are more expensive than fossil fuel and hybrid cars due to the technological peculiarities. Therefore, buying electrical vehicles for business is a risky enterprise. Even though hybrid and electrical cars are more expensive than gas engine vehicles and company might lose profit, adding hybrid/electric cars to the company’s fleet will be a good investment for the enterprise which gives cars for rent. Accurate assessing of the situation and finding the right niche may give benefits to such a company as Lotus Rental Car CFO if the company decides to use electrical cars along with conventional. First of all, the benefit is connected to a reduced amount of costs spent on fuel. Among the clients of rental car offices people on business trips are the most frequent followed by tourists. Most employers that send their employees to business trip will rather pay extra dollar to rent a fuel efficient car like a hybrid than reimburse their employees for gas. Savings for the money on electricity are much more persuasive compared to fuel savings. It was estimated that driving about 15 thousand miles will cost for about $500 annually taking into account existing prices for electricity in the USA. The same distance will require $1900 for a gas engine. So it is possible to cover high prices for the electric car with money raised by fuel economy. And this argument will be important for those who take car for a rent. Electric /hybrid cars are perfect for rent because the driver can calculate his/her distance in advance and charge it at the company`s office and in several other places(Electric Vehicles, 2013). Maximum time that allows driving without extra recharge is about 8 hours now, and most people who rent cars especially for business trips plan to cover the distances which are not so great. However, it is important to understand that electric cars differ

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental Quality - Essay Example There have been many government funded agencies which have helped to do testing and figure out ways in which to improve our ecosystem. Minnesota has always been on the forefront in environmental safety. Interestingly enough, one of my teachers has joined the board who helps to decide how many and what types of products must be purchased which are deemed environmentally safe for our state. They help to set guidelines on what kinds of materials can be used and how much must be spent on environmentally safe products versus unsafe products. These are only a few of the things done to help improve the quality of the environment around our area. Local groups have been organizing clean up days and if you ever stroll down Minneapolis, you'll notice how amazingly clean it has become. In fact, sometimes when I take the bus and check out downtown Minneapolis, I barely see a newspaper thrown on the ground somewhere. There are, however, many different things which can be done to help improve the environmental status of the Twin Cities. For instance, increase recycling announcements could be made. Many people I know don't even know where to drop off their items which can be recycled. Bulletins and fliers could be produced and distributed around apartments and dropped off at people's houses with numbers to call an addresses for places to drop off their waste materials.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Health, Disability and Long Term Care Insurance Essay

Health, Disability and Long Term Care Insurance - Essay Example This crisis is a fact and statistics are good enough to prove its validity. USA spends twice more on its annual healthcare then does 19 of the developed countries in North America and Europe. The percentage of GDP allotted to health seems to be at a rise since 1997 when it reached to 15.7% in the year 2005, and as projected by the agencies of Medicare and Mediaid this percentage would further increase in the next 10 years to a figure of almost 17.5% of the GDP. Yet 15.6% of the American population is still uninsured. (services, april,2005) For a country that has the highest expenditure rates on healthcare, it is quite shocking that the public gets to face the crisis of high rising prices for healthcare. The two major problems faced by the healthcare system of USA include rapid increase in the expenditures made on health and disabilities and high costs for administration of health care issues which account for at least 26% of the total money in healthcare. The reasons for the rising c osts are many including the dependence on the high costs of new medical technologies, drugs and tests, the rising population of the elderly, the rising frequencies of road traffic accidence and criminal activities requiring medical attention, intensive work hours and rising pays of health care professionals and doctors, high awareness of medical problems requiring immediate and most of the times unnecessary medical attention, untoward issues like fraud and issues causing waste of administrative money, the internal situation and inflation rates of the health care system and many more reasons. TYPES OF MEDICAL COVERAGE Broadly speaking, health insurance can be of two types. First is the group health insurance in which an employee and his immediate family are covered by an insurance company that is either partially or mostly paid by the employer. This type of insurance comprises as high as 90% of the total insurance issued by the insurance companies. (DeNavas-Walt, 2008) Sometimes this type of insurance may not provide the necessary protection that an individual requires; in that case an additional aid with the help of individual insurance can be purchased. Second type is the individual insurance plan. This type of plan, as the name suggests, is individually tailored to anyone’s needs. This type of insurance is usually acquired when the group insurance is not enough or requires certain addition. In that case one can choose their own preference of insurance company and select as much coverage as they require. This means an extensive browsing of the options available in the market as the mark ups and premiums on different plans by different companies vary to a great extent. The group and individual insurance plans provide different types of coverage. These policies further include the following types of coverage: 1) MAJOR MEDICAL EXPENSE INSURANCE Major medical expense insurance is a type of insurance which covers the excess medical expenses incurred due to sudden accidents, injuries or severe illnesses. It is usually in relation to the basic individual or group insurance that would provide the baseline insurance for the regular medical expenses. This type of insurance only covers the excess and high bills that are often faced after an accidental situation or a severe illness. Usually the amount that can be paid through this type of insurance is quite high which requires the premium to be covered by the individual through various ways.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Poem Imagery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poem Imagery - Essay Example By personifying nature as a "crowd" the poet is escaping his solitude. The poet goes on to give human characteristics to the daffodils by describing them as "dancing in the breeze". The following lines give the reader the sense that the poet is going even further into his curing of loneliness by personifying nature as he assimilates the daffodils with stars"continuous as the stars that shine". He was just comparing himself to a cloud and a few lines later, the poet compares the daffodils to stars, also a celestial object. He is identifying with the daffodils. His personification of the daffodils continues in the line "tossing their heads in sprightly dance". By giving the daffodils human characteristics, he is able to find comfort in their presence thus emphasizing his loneliness from the beginning, even more so. In hindsight, he is claiming to not have realized the beauty or the importance of this moment in time as he goes on to say"I gazed- and gazed but -little thought, What wealth the show to me had brought". He continues with this tense of remembering by saying "for off when on my couch I lie, in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inward eye, that is the bliss of solitude".

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Is the Body Beautiful a guarantee for Happiness Essay

Is the Body Beautiful a guarantee for Happiness - Essay Example This ‘ideal’ image is usually defined as someone of a mid-20ish age, slender, with specific measurements and a certain good-looking charm. This limited view of the ideal automatically eliminates anyone who might have been born with a larger bone structure or other ‘defect’ that defies the reshaping of the scalpel from the ranks of the socially acceptable. Through the reality shows, though, those lucky few who are able to fit the ideal in any way, to attain the ‘body beautiful’, much is made of their subsequent happiness and success as a result of their ‘improved’ appearance. ASPS president Rod Rohrich pointed to the various individuals taking part in plastic surgery reality television indicating that many of them have unrealistic and unhealthy expectations for the results.1 It is perceived through these types of presentations that the only way to find happiness and fulfillment is through the construction of the ‘body beautiful ’, causing an extreme focus on the outward appearance many times to the detriment of the inner being. However, the question that must be asked in this scenario is: Does the body beautiful actually guarantee an individual the happiness they seek? From our earliest history, it has been through our outward appearances that we project who and what we are to other people. Studies have continuously shown that people dress a certain way and acquire certain things to try to evince an attitude of belonging to a particular subset of individuals who embody their ideals.2 With these outward appearances in hand, we can walk up to the ‘in crowd’ and proclaim ourselves a member. â€Å"Indeed Smith (1990) believes that women view their bodies as ‘objects of work’ requiring attention and upkeep in order to operate well and promote the desired effect.†3 Yet being a part of this crowd does not necessarily guarantee happiness as is evidenced by the lives of those people who help to set the standards, the movie stars

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mel Brooks as Jewish Comedian Essay Example for Free

Mel Brooks as Jewish Comedian Essay Mel Brookss membership in the elite club of Jewish comedians is essentially impossible to dispute. The question is whether or not his comedy is atypical. Satirizing Jewish history and klutzy old Jewish men is normal for Jewish comedy. However, Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party, is something that you would not expect to hear in typical Jewish comedy (The Producers). Defined broadly, there are two forms which Mel Brookss Jewish humor takes. The first form is to discuss specifically Jewish topics in a funny way. This is evident in The Producers and in the Inquisition scene from History of the World, Part I. The other form is to use certain aspects of Judaism for comedic value. This form, is typically used by Brooks as a means for a quick laugh as opposed to a major source of plot definition, and is most apparent in such scenes as that with the Yiddish-speaking Indian in Blazing Saddles. While exploring Brookss types of Jewish humor, this paper will limit its scope. Only four of Brookss films will be discussed in this paper-The Producers, Blazing Saddles, History of the World, Part I, and To Be or Not To Be. These films were chosen because the quantity of Jewish content in all of them is considerably more than in his other films such as Young Frankenstein or Silent Movie. The four films chosen do an excellent job of portraying the complete range of the types of Jewish-related humor, which Brooks uses. To understand Mel Brooks identity as a specifically Jewish comedian it is important to understand how Jewish he actually was. Melvin Kaminsky was born as the youngest of four brothers in a crowded New York City apartment to Kitty and Max Kaminsky. He grew up in a very Jewish area were on Saturdays, the shops were closed, the pushcarts parked, and Yiddish replaced with Hebrew in over seventy orthodox synagogues. However, Brooks himself spent his Saturdays enjoying matinees at the Marcy Theater. He married a non-Jewish woman and allowed his son, Max, to be baptized only as long as he was allowed to have a bar-mitzvah. When asked by the media if he wanted his wife to convert he replied She dont have to convert. She a star! (Yacowar 10-14). Before discussing the films, it is crucial to identify a recurring theme in Brookss work-Germans and, more specifically, Nazis. He had a brief military career in World War II with very little combat experience, and he actually ended up being the entertainment coordinator for the army. Yacowar analyzes Brooks later feelings towards Germans as subconscious frustration because of his inability to actually fight the Nazis (Yacowar 17). In an interview he was asked about his obsession with Germans, and he replied: Me not like Germans? Why should I not like Germans? Just because theyre arrogant and have fat necks and do anything theyre told as long as it is cruel, and killed millions of Jews in concentration camps and made soap out of their bodies and lamp shades out of their skins? Is that any reason to hate their f-king guts? (Yacowar 32) Brooks has mocked Germans in various works such as in Your Show of Shows and on the Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks at the Cannes film festival audio recording. Regardless, of the origin of his interest with Nazis, if one looks at enough of his work, one cannot help but notice that this theme is an obsession for Brooks (Yacowar 34-35, 48). Mel Brooks made his first feature film, The Producers, in 1967. It is about a Jewish Broadway producer (Max Bialystock) who convinces his Jewish accountant (Leo Bloom) to finance a guaranteed to fail play with the idea that they would take the profits and run to South America. The guaranteed to fail play, Springtime for Hitler turned out to be a huge success. The two main characters both represent completely different Jewish stereotypes and the third area of Jewish interest in the film is the role of Germans both in the play and the ex-Nazi author, Frank Liebkind (Altman 39). Max Bialystock (played by Zero Mostel) is obviously not a first generation American because of his name and his accent. Although he never does anything specifically Jewish, he is still Jewish so it is relevant to look at his relationship to Jewish stereotypes. In his book, Telushkin discusses the tradition of having big and lavish bar mitzvahs, he says that the Jewish tradition has few curbs to halt such excesses(74). It is interesting to see how Bialystock chooses to live in almost poverty. Although he is so poor that he says Look at me now-Im wearing a cardboard belt, he also wears a reasonably nice jacket, has a leather coach, and keeps every old ladys picture in a decent frame. Later in the film, when he gets a lot of money, he spends it on a chauffeured car, a sexy secretary, lavish offices and new clothes, rather then spending it on new office equipment or investing it for future financial security (Telushkin 83). Leo Bloom, the accountant (played by Gene Wilder), represents the opposite stereotype from Bialystock. He represents the meek Jew, the Jew-as-doormat. In the beginning of the movie, he walks in on Max trying to get some money from an investor (he catches them lying on top of each other) and is so surprised and in shock that he has to be told to say oops (The Producers). This fits right into the stereotype of Jews as remorseful and ashamed of their sexual desires (The Poducers). Bialystock fulfills the other stereotype of Jewish men who have been portrayed as sex-hungry animals in many jokes. Blooms choice of career is also known as a Jewish career. In the end, he, like Bialystock, ends up fulfilling one of the most basic stereotypes of Jews-he gives in to his greed (Telushkin 93). There are also many small Jewish references in the film. There is an ignorant, and very gay, director named Roger DeBris, who directs Springtime for Hitler and has a familiar Yiddish term in his name (Telushkin 86-87). Also, in the beginning of the movie Bialystock has a funny dialogue with his landlord and it is the only part of the movie in which religion is involved. Bialystock: Murderer, thief, how can you take the last penny out of a poor mans pocket? Landlord: I have to, Im a landlord. Bialystock: Oh lord, hear my plea: Destroy him, he maketh a blight on the land. Landlord: Dont listen to him-hes crazy (The Producers). When one hears the conversation, with the Landlord speaking in a Jewish accent and Bialystock calling out at the heavens, sounding like an abused Jewish mother, it is a lot funnier and the Jewish element is a lot clearer as well. Brooks message in this movie has been largely debated. Lester D. Freidman thinks, Bialystock and Bloom fail to find their flop because they underestimate their audiences deadened sensibilities (173). Brooks is trying to point out that the shock and horror that everyone should view the holocaust in, is mainly a Jewish mindset. In the movie, he made two perfect Jews, and their perfection caused them two have a mindset that was different from the rest of the American public. Therefore, the movie is about more than a pair of corrupt showmen. It is about the segregation of Jews. Bailystock and Bloom are not yet Americans, they still carry a separate identity. In 1974, Brooks came out with Blazing Saddles which is much less Jewish than The Producers. The movie is about a town with a corrupt Attorney General who wants take over the town. The townspeople get the governor to send a new sheriff to restore order. He sends Sheriff Bart who is a black man with Gucci saddlebags on his horse. The townspeople end up working with the new Sheriff to defeat Hedley Lamarr (the attorney general) and his band of hooligans. Jewish topics are in the film as occasional funny parts and not as major parts of the plot. The funniest and most recognizable part of the movie where Judaism is involved is Sheriff Barts recollection of how his family got to the west. According to the Sheriff, strange Indians attacked their wagon. Brooks, who plays the Indian chief, allows Bart and his family to go, he tells his tribe, Zeit nishe meshugge. Loz em gaien†¦Abee gezint. Which basically means, take off. Some feel this is Brooks trying to get some cheap laughs by using Yiddish, but Friedman points out that it is comically appropriate that the Wests most conspicuous outsider, the Indian, should speak in the tongue of historys traditional outsider, the Jew (77). Other than this reference, Blazing Saddles use of Judaism is really little more than an occasional punch line. When Hedley Lamarr is looking for a way to get the citizens of Rock Ridge to leave, his associate recommends killing the first-born male child in every family, to which Lamarr replies-too Jewish (Blazing Saddles). When Mongo (a gigantic ruffian) comes into the saloon, someone in the background says Gottenew (Oh God! ), another Yiddish term (Yacowar 110). Not surprisingly, Mel Brooks finds a way to squeeze Germans into a movie set in the late 19th Centurys Wild West. In the finale of the movie, Lamarr recruits an army of lowlifes. In the army there is a small group of German soldiers who spend much of the fistfight sitting with a Ms. Lily von Shtupp (a not so talented lounge singer) singing the same war song heard in The Producers (Blazing Saddles). Finally, the Indian on many movie promotional materials (including the video cover) has the Hebrew for kosher for Passover inscribed in his headband. Strangely enough, these relatively small Jewish references got the attention of the Jewish Film Advisory Committee, whose director, Allen Rivkin, spoke to a writer about the offensiveness of the Jewish material. The writers response was, Dad, get with it. This is another century(Doneson 128) Blazing Saddles is a movie of the second type identified. It does not deal with specifically Jewish topics. It does, however, use Jewish topics as a way of forwarding the plot and the comedy. Whether the critics were right that Brooks was just using Yiddish because he found it funny, or if he was using it because he wanted to make a point about racism and exclusion, what is most important is that he actually used Yiddish, instead of something more expected (Yacowar 110). 1981s History of the World, Part I, falls somewhere between The Producers and Blazing Saddles in its level of Jewish content (Freidman 236). The movie, is basically, a quick tour through history going from the discovery of fire to the French Revolution. Within the movie, there are two skits that are specifically of Jewish interest (Moses on Mount Sinai and the Spanish Inquisition. ) In the Old Testament, God identifies himself as the Lord, and asks Moses if he can hear Him. Mel Brooks, in a robe and white beard says Yes. I hear you. I hear you. A deaf man could hear you. When Moses tells the people of the new laws, he says, The Lord, the Lord Jehovah has given onto these 15 [crash] 10, 10 Commandments for all to obey. Although Moses obviously had to be Jewish, one wonders why he had to be so klutzy a comic. In Rome, Gregory Hines, playing Josephus, a slave who is not sold in the auction, attempts to get out of being sent to the Coliseum where he would be lion food. His excuse is that the lions only eat Christians, Christians, and I am a Jew-Jewish person. To prove this, he starts singing Havah Negilah and gets the entire crowd to join him. He even tells the slave trader to call Sammus Davis Jr. (after calling the temple and the rabbi). Eventually, the trader looks down his pants, to prove he is not Jewish (History of the World, Part I). Empress Nympho, Caesars wife, is a strange cross between a J. A. P. and a sex maniac. She has a classic Jewish mother accent and uses Yiddish occasionally-Well shlep him along, for example. Towards the end of the movie, Brooks calls a courtier of Louis XVI a petite putz (History of the World, Part I). This is obviously a strange place to hear Yiddish, unless the intent is comic effect. Finally, though, the most outrageous scene, and the one that some Jews have found quite objectionable is the one about the Spanish Inquisition. It should be noted that Brookss portrayal of the Inquisition as being directed against Jews is historically inaccurate. It was really directed against heretical Christians. Because of this inaccuracy, it is safe to assume that Brooks wanted to put this scene in as a Jewish note into his film, as he did with the other films discussed. The Inquisition scene is filmed in a medieval dungeon. It starts by introducing the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada (Mel Brooks) with Torquemada-do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada-do not beg him for forgiveness†¦. Lets face it, you cant Torquemada [talk him outta] anything, then the music starts. One of the lines in the song is A fact youre ignoring, its better to lose your skullcap with your skull, which is emphasized by two old Jewish men in stocks singing oy oy gevalt. After a few descriptions of the actual torture which individual Jews suffered, he points out that nothing is working, send in the nuns. The nuns perform a synchronized swimming routine in which Jews are sent down a chute into a pool to be dragged under by nuns. At the end of the scene, seven nuns are standing on a menorah with sparklers on their heads, while the chorus, led by Torquemada, sings, Come on you Moslems and you Jews. Weve got big news for all of youse. Youd better change your points of views today. Cause the Inquisitions here, and its here to stay. When Brooks was criticized for this scene he replied: Nothing can burst the balloon of pomposity and dictatorial splendor better than comedy†¦. In a sense, my comedy is serious, and I need a serious background to play against†¦. Poking fun at the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada, is a wonderful counterpart to the horrors he committed (Friedman 236). This would make History of the World, Part I comparable to The Producers in its satire of Hitler, and makes Blazing Saddles also comparable through its satirical treatment of racism. If one still thought that Brooks made History of the World, Part I with only good intentions, one should also consider the treatment of Jews and Germans in the ending of the film. The promo for History of the World, Part II includes scenes such as Hitler on Ice, and Jews in Space, in which Jews are in a space craft singing Were Jews out in space. Were zooming along protecting the Hebrew race†¦. When Goyim attacks us, well give em a slap. Well smack em right back in the face. It definitely seems that History of the World, Part I is a combination, (just as the others movies discussed are) of exploitation for easy laughs and of exposing the evils of the tyrants who have tormented the Jews throughout history. In To Be or Not To Be, Mel Brooks plays Fredrick Bronski, the head actor in a Polish stage revue, around the time of the Nazi annexation of Poland. His wife, Anna Bronski (Anna Bancroft) falls in love with an Air Force lieutenant working in the Polish platoon of the RAF. The main focus of the movie is how they make fun of, get around, outwit, and ultimately escape the Nazis. This movie is actually a remake of an older film, but it still has a distinctively Mel Brooks feel. The main target of Brookss satire is the head of the Gestapo, Colonel Erhardt (Charles Durning) who is a babbling fool. For example, when on the phone, he says What? Why? Where When? When in doubt, arrest them, arrest them, arrest them! Then shoot them and interrogate them. [pause] Oh you are right, just shoot them. Soon after this, he is led to believe that the shoot first policy led to the deaths of two useful figures and after asking what idiot formed the policy, he got mad at Shultz, his assistant, for reminding him that he made the policy. Later on, he has this exchange with Shultz: Erhardt: What idiot gave the order to close the Bronskis theater? Schultz: You did, sir. Erhardt: Open it up immediately. And once and for all stop blaming everything that goes wrong on me (To Be or Not To Be). After being warned to stop making jokes about Hitler, Erhardt promises, No. Never, never, never again, [emphasis added] strange words to hear from a nazi. Although this movie is not about Jews, there are a few Jewish characters and encounters. Bronski hides a Jewish family in his theaters cellar and during the course of the movie, theyre number increases. At one point, the intelligence agent goes to the theater to find his lover, Bronskis wife. The Jewish women hiding there tells him You know that big house on Posen Street? Well dont go there, its Gestapo headquarters, before actually telling where she was staying (To Be or Not To Be). At the end of the movie, they dress up all the Jews hiding in the cellar (closer to 20 than the 3 who originally hid out in the cellar) as clowns to have them run through the aisle (in the middle of a performance for Hitler) to a truck to safety. One old lady panics in the aisle, surrounded by Nazis. To save the old lady, another clown runs up to them and pins an oversized yellow star, yelling Juden! , this causes an enormous laughter from the Nazi audience. To stall the Gestapo, Brooks dresses up as Hitler, and listens to a Jewish actor perform the Hath not a Jew eyes speech from Merchant of Venice. To Be or Not To Be appears to be Brookss final way of coping with his lack of combat in WWII. While he has The Producers make a play in which they portray the Nazis comically, the ultimate message is that the two Jews in the movie still find them to be patently offensive, and therefore, worthy of some form of respect. In To Be or Not To Be he makes the Nazis into purely comical characters, and this is a step further than Brooks went in The Producers. However, this simply may be because at the point of To Be or Not To Be, Brooks was well into his career as an established moviemaker, so he had more freedom to be offensive. Unfortunately, To Be or Not To Be ended the golden age of Mel Brooks movies, at least from a specifically Jewish point-of-view. His later films make only small mentions of Jewish topics. An example of this is Spaceballs, a parody of Star Wars where the main characters have to save a princess from Planet Druidia (Funny, she doesnt look Druish) from the evil Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) (Spaceballs). The only Jewish reference in the movie were playing off the theme of the Druish princess and a short scene with Mel Brooks as Yogurt, a reinterpretation of Yoda as an old, Jewish man. Brooks also renamed the Force from Star Wars to something more ethnic-the Schwartz. Although these Jewish references may be equal to the Yiddish-speaking Indian in Blazing Saddles, it is too big of a stretch to link a deeper meaning to them as can be done in his earlier films. In the Big Book of Jewish Humor, Jewish humor is defined as having these five qualities: 1. It is substantive in that it is about some larger topic. 2. It, in many cases, has a point-the appropriate response is not laughter, but rather a bitter nod or a commiserating sign of recognition. 3. It is anti-authoritarian, in that it ridicules grandiosity and self-indulgence, exposes hypocrisy, and†¦. is strongly democratic. 4. It frequently has a critical edge which creates discomfort in making its point. 5. It is unsparing-it satirizes anyone and everyone (Novak and Waldoks xx-xxii). Telushkins definition of a Jewish joke is much simpler. He says it must express a Jewish sensibility (16). To Bernard Saper, a uniquely Jewish joke must contain incongruity, a sudden twist of unexpected elements (76). Christie Davies, points out that people such as Jews, who belong to a minority or peripheral ethnic groups tell jokes both about the majority group and about their own group, and they may tell more ethnic jokes about their own group (and find them funnier) than about the majority(29-30). Are the four films discussed within these definitions? Brooks movies definitely fit the Telushkin test of expressing Jewish sensibility, weather it is through how he attacks the Nazis or the random Yiddish expressions that he uses. A lot of Brooks humor is also incongruous. For example, having a Nazi say never again, fulfills Sapers requirement. Brooks films have a lot of ethnic jokes in them, which deal with Jews or Jewish topics. Brooks probably put these jokes in his movies because he found them funny, therefore fulfilling the Davies test. The definition in The Big Book of Jewish Humor is harder to fit because it is in greater detail. However, the films that were discussed fit them well. Many of Brookss films are substantive in that he deals with racism and Anti-Semitism in almost all of his movies. The point of his films may not be so sharp that when people see them they automatically feel bitterness toward someone, but his movies are definently not pure slapstick which fulfills the second part of the definition. Brooks never attacked Jewish leadership but his films are anti-authoritarian because he clearly attacks government officials such as the Nazis and the Grand Inquisitor. Since there is constant controversy about Brooks films there is always potential for discomfort to arise. Finally, Brooks leaves out nobody from his satire-Nazis, cowboys, and 15th century Spanish Jews are all satirized and made fun of in these films. Even though some of his scenes or individual jokes are not typical Jewish humor, he is a Jewish comedian who, most importantly, makes Jewish jokes. Brookss movies represent the classical paradox in Jewish humor and Jewish experience between: first, the legitimate pride that Jews have taken in their distinctive and learned religious and ethical tradition and in the remarkable intellectual eminence and entrepreneurial and professional achievement of individual members of their community, and second, the anti-Semitic abuse and denigration from hostile outsiders whose malice was fueled by Jewish autonomy and achievement (Davies 42-43). The greatest lesson that Brooks has to teach American Jews of today is the expansion of our boundaries. Through his use of Jewish humor to topics which where previously considered off-limits, he allows his viewers to cope with painful parts of history which they may not have been able to cope with in the past. Brooks describes his role as a comedian by saying, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one (Friedman 171-172). He explains that his comedy derives from the feeling that, as a Jew and as a person, you dont fit the mainstream of American society. It comes from the realization that even though youre better and smarter, youll never belong (Friedman 172). Mel Brookss experience is very similar to that of every American Jew, and his comedy speaks uniquely to the American Jew. So, even Brookss most offensive work is rooted deeply within both typical Jewish Humor and the modern Jewish experience. The greatest lesson that Brooks has to teach American Jews of today is the expansion of our boundaries. Through his use of Jewish humor to topics which where previously considered off-limits, he allows his viewers to cope with painful parts of history which they may not have been able to cope with in the past. Brooks describes his role as a comedian by saying, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one (Friedman 171-172). He explains that his comedy derives from the feeling that, as a Jew and as a person, you dont fit the mainstream of American society. It comes from the realization that even though youre better and smarter, youll never belong (Friedman 172). Mel Brookss experience is very similar to that of every American Jew, and his comedy speaks uniquely to the American Jew. So, even Brookss most offensive work is rooted deeply within both typical Jewish Humor and the modern Jewish experience.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

am i? :: essays research papers

Socrates was a very simple man who did not have many material possessions and spoke in a plain, conversational manner. Socrates often engaged in conversations with people who claimed to be â€Å"experts†. He would question them on issues that, if they were the â€Å"experts† they claimed to be they would have the correct answer in seconds. Socrates often made these â€Å"experts† look quite foolish when he would prove them wrong in front of many other citizens. Plato’s Euthyphro is about one day when Socrates was on his way to the courthouse he ran into Euthyphro (a young Athenian priest). Socrates began a discussion with Euthyphro about the definition of holiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When asked about the definition of holiness, Euthyphro give Socrates three definitions and Socrates was able to prove all three of them to be wrong. The first was that holiness was the life that Euthyphro lived. Socrates disputed this definition stating that even though the life that Euthyphro lived was holy, it was not the definition of holiness (if it was the exact definition then only Euthyphro would be holy). Next Euthyphro says that holiness is found in what is dear to the gods. Socrates shoots this definition down because this definition is not distinct, the Greek gods were somewhat humanlike, what was holy to one god might be despised by the next. The third and finally definition Euthyphro offers Socrates is, â€Å"what is holy is loved by the gods†. However Euthyphro can’t answer weather something is holy because it is loved, or loved because it is holy, making this final definition unjust. All of Euthyphro’s definitions are examples o f holiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During Plato’s Apology, Socrates reveals his definition of holiness to a courtroom full of jurors. Socrates explains that holiness is serving the gods by serving other using ones abilities no matter what the consequence: and to know what is right is to do what is right. Socrates definition is just and universal. It does not single anyone out to be more holy then anyone else and allows anyone to be holy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that Socrates’ definition of holiness is very reasonable because it covers every aspect. am i? :: essays research papers Socrates was a very simple man who did not have many material possessions and spoke in a plain, conversational manner. Socrates often engaged in conversations with people who claimed to be â€Å"experts†. He would question them on issues that, if they were the â€Å"experts† they claimed to be they would have the correct answer in seconds. Socrates often made these â€Å"experts† look quite foolish when he would prove them wrong in front of many other citizens. Plato’s Euthyphro is about one day when Socrates was on his way to the courthouse he ran into Euthyphro (a young Athenian priest). Socrates began a discussion with Euthyphro about the definition of holiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When asked about the definition of holiness, Euthyphro give Socrates three definitions and Socrates was able to prove all three of them to be wrong. The first was that holiness was the life that Euthyphro lived. Socrates disputed this definition stating that even though the life that Euthyphro lived was holy, it was not the definition of holiness (if it was the exact definition then only Euthyphro would be holy). Next Euthyphro says that holiness is found in what is dear to the gods. Socrates shoots this definition down because this definition is not distinct, the Greek gods were somewhat humanlike, what was holy to one god might be despised by the next. The third and finally definition Euthyphro offers Socrates is, â€Å"what is holy is loved by the gods†. However Euthyphro can’t answer weather something is holy because it is loved, or loved because it is holy, making this final definition unjust. All of Euthyphro’s definitions are examples o f holiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During Plato’s Apology, Socrates reveals his definition of holiness to a courtroom full of jurors. Socrates explains that holiness is serving the gods by serving other using ones abilities no matter what the consequence: and to know what is right is to do what is right. Socrates definition is just and universal. It does not single anyone out to be more holy then anyone else and allows anyone to be holy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that Socrates’ definition of holiness is very reasonable because it covers every aspect.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Causes of the Great Depression :: American America History

The Causes of the Great Depression Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution early in the nineteenth century the United States ad experienced recessions or panics at least every twenty years. But none was as severe or lasted as long as the Great Depression. Only as the economy shifted toward a war mobilization in the late 1930s did the grip of the depression finally ease. Stock prices had been rising steadily since 1921, but in 1928 and 1929 they surged forward, with the average price of stocks rising over 40 percent. The stock market was totally unregulated. Margin buying in particular proceeded at a feverish pace as customers borrowed up to 75 percent of the purchase price of stocks. That easy credit lured more speculators and less creditworthy investors into the stock market. The Federal Reserve board warned member banks not to lend money for stock speculation because if prices dropped, many investors would not be able to pay back their debts. No one listened. The stock market began sliding in early September, but people ignored the warning. Then on "black Thursday" (October 24, 1929) and again on "black Tuesday" (October 29, 1929) the ball dropped. More than 28 million shares changed hands in frantic trading. Overextended investors, suddenly finding themselves in heavily in debt, began selling their stocks. Many found that no one would buy anythin g at any price. Overnight, stock values fell from a peak value of 87 billion dollars to 55 billion dollars. The crash was felt far beyond the trading floors. Speculators who borrowed money from the banks to buy their stocks could not repay the loans because they could not sell stocks. This caused many banks to fail. Since bank deposits were uninsured before the 1930s depositors' their money, which in many cases was all that many people had. The stock market crash intensified the course of the Great Depression in many ways. Besides wiping out the savings of thousands, it hurt commercial banks that had invested heavily in corporate stocks. It also caused a loss of confidence in the market prolonging the depression. The downturn began slowly and almost unnoticeably. After 1927, consumer spending declined and housing construction slowed. Inventories piled up, and in1928 and 1929 manufacturers began to cut back on production and lay off workers. Reduced income and buying power in turn reinforced the downturn. By the summer of 1929 the economy was clearly in a recession.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Zipper :: essays research papers

The zipper is a very common fastener used to secure all kinds of things, especially clothing. But the zipper wasn't always around. Before the zipper was invented, buttons were used in fastening clothes, and so were hooks and eyes that had to be fastened manually. When the zipper first came out, it was somewhat of an oddity; it wasn't widely accepted. But slowly, more and more people started noticing its convenient applications, and soon it could be seen everywhere. The zipper started off as a novelty, and because of its convenience, it is now a necessity.The first zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson. He devised it to do up boots, and got the device patented on August 29, 1893. He called it the "clasp locker". The clasp locker was much bulkier than the zipper we know today. It was a series of two rows of hooks and eyes that could be fastened by a "slider" (which was the most important part of Judson's invention). Another big difference from today's zipper is that after zipping up the fastener, the slider would detach right off the garment. Then to open the clasp locker, the slider would be re-attached at the top of the locked clasps, upside down, and then pulled down.About a year after the patents were issued, a close friend of Whitcomb Judson, named Harry Earle, and a lawyer named Lewis Walker met up with Judson, and they formed the Universal Fastening Company. They weren't very successful. One of the main reasons was that the clasp locker didn't work very well. The fastener frequently jammed, and easily rusted. But in April of 1896, some Post Office Department representatives went to the company and inspected the Judson fastener on a mailbag and pronounced it satisfactory. Twenty mailbags equipped with the fasteners were ordered. That was one of the first orders Universal Fastening Company got, and it wasn't repeated. It's assumed that the mailbags were discarded due to faulty fasteners.While Judson tried to improve his fastener, the company struggled to get customers. But soon they weren't so worried about trying to sell it, and more worried about finding useful applications for it. In early promotion, it was described as a "20th century device". Also "remarkable in its simplicity, rapidity, security, utility". The fastener would be shown applied to skirt plackets, gloves, corsets, boots, shoes, and leggings. A little later in the decade, Judson came up with a new separable fastener, called the C-curity fastener, although its patent wasn't issued until 1905.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Is Technology a Blessing or a Curse?

Is technology a blessing or a curse? Justify. Which inventions do you think were the most important ones in the history of humankind? At the beginning I would like try to define a technology. What the technology is? Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. Technology is a measure of human development. Technology is part of the life of every human- We can live without a technology and technology can’t exist without us.So, of course- technology is blessing for us. Technology is a necessary to live and to prove conditions of our live. New technologies help in every field of our life. It is possible to invent a new medicines against dangerous diseases. It is possible travel by car of talking by phone. We can multiply a positive examples in different field of our life. Of course, technology has also a second, worst side. It can be used against people, for instance in act of terrorism. However, we shouldn’t scare about it.We have to use technology to prevention of violence and achieve higher objectives. In the my opinion the most important inventions are the simple and easy (in the modern world of course) tool which allow for further development. In the my opinion such a inventions can be a writing, basic tools for physical job circle, printing later. In the modern world as important invention we can describe an engine, phone or computer. Every of thing are needed and useful and helpful in everyday life.

Energy Crisis in Pakistan

Energy is the bloodline of a country’s economy. A continuous and sufficient energy `supply can ensure a healthy and progressive economy. Pakistan is unfortunate to face severe energy crisis in recent years. The parting gap between demand and supply is mounting with every year and it is pushing the country into dark ages. Worst part of this menace is the fact the installed capacity of electricity can not only fulfill the energy demand but can also produce surplus amounts of energy. The highest peaks of energy demand are up to 14000 to 14,500 MW and the power generation capacity is 19.500MW.Hence the problem is an outcome of the absence of any viable solutions to add energy to the national grid. The pertaining factors which caused such an intense situation are expensive means of energy production, transmission line losses, lack of infrastructure, circular debts and electricity theft. In addition to that the economy is sinking like rock due to the quagmire of scarcity of power. I t had serious implications on business activity and country faces a shutdown of industry, drain of capital, unemployment and no foreign direct investment.The falling economy took the crutches of foreign debts which caused soaring high amounts of utility bills. Now a days electricity situation is worst and country is challenged by an immense power blackout. The failure of the government to secure sustainable, dedicated and affordable energy supplies has resulted in closure of hundreds of units. It created an outcry in industrial community. It is high time to rectify the mistakes of past and implement long term and short term energy projects to fulfill the future day need of power.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Asian Cuisine: Thailand Foods Essay

Thailand is a small country in Southeast Asia, sharing a peninsula with Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Like all local and national cuisines, the food of Thailand reveals a great deal about the country—it is a palimpsest of its political history, its trade, and its geography. Thailand sits between the cultural and political powers of India and China, and its food is clearly influenced by both. Yet Thailand’s food, like her people, has maintained its own distinct. Thailand is not a very big nor a very rich country, but it is unique. It has a way of life that mixes ancient ritual with the ways of the modern world. Thailand is most fortunate, with both the land and surrounding seas yielding rich harvests. The staple, rice, is grown in abundance, as do the numerous varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices that enliven the Thai palate. Despite all the problems of the modern world Thailand still has much of old Siam. Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components. The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well known. As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai chefs. Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and bitter. As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine, David Thompson, explains in an interview: â€Å"Thai food ain’t about simplicity. It’s about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious finish. Like a complex musical chord it’s got to have a smooth surface but it doesn’t matter what’s happening underneath. Simplicity isn’t the dictum here, at all. Some westerners think it’s a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that’s important, it’s the complexity they delight in. Thai food is also known for its enthusiastic use of fresh (rather than dried) herbs and spices as well as fish sauce. Each Thai dish has more than 3-4 flavors. The ingredients of each dish helps to not only harmonize all different flavors but also to make it mouth wateringly delicious. Traditionally, Thai cooks & families usually needed quite a long time to prepare the ingredients and to cook, therefore, cooperation and team work is needed to cook a family meal. The process of Thai cuisine explains Thai life: its traditions, customs and culture. It shows Thai families were large, in which its family members live together with a warm, close relationship. In cooking, Thai family members have their fair share of helping as a team. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks. Big cuts of meat were shredded and laced with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir frying and deep-frying. Culinary influences from the 17th century onwards included Portuguese, Dutch, French and Japanese. Chillies were introduced to Thai cooking during the late 1600s by Portuguese missionaries who had acquired a taste for them while serving in South America. Thais were very adapt at ‘Siamese-icing’ foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other daily products. Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galanga. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, while the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting dinners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tastes. A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying fish and vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by non spiced items. There must be a harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal. Although considered as a single cuisine, Thai food would be more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern. Each cuisine sharing similar foods or derived from those of neighboring countries. ⠝â€" Central Thailand Central Thailand has a moderate flavor with herbs and sugar. Most curry with coconut milk dishes origin from central Thailand. For example, Kaeng Kaew Wan (Green Curry), Tom Yam (Spicy & sour soup), Tom Kha (Coconut milk soup), Panang Curry (Dry red curry). ⠝â€" Northern Thailand The dishes of Northern Thailand have light flavors, with a little spices, not very hot with chillies, not salty and most without sugar. The popular dishes are Sai-ua (Thai northern sausages), Nam-Prig Ong (Minced pork and tomato chillies paste), Kaeng Kare (vegetarian curry), and Cap Moo (Som Tam (papaya salad) is a north-eastern dish). ⠝â€" North Eastern (or Isan) The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is heavily influenced by Laos. For example, Lap and Tom Sabb. Traditionally very spicy and strong tasting dishes, which show that north-eastern Thais like strong flavors with chillies, salt, herbs, and spices. ⠝â€" Southern Thailand The south has a very strong flavor of food with spicy herbs, like turmeric, and tend to contain coconut milk. For example, Kaeng Leang, Kaeng Tai-pla, and Kua Kling. In fact, Thai food always has various kinds of vegetables as a main ingredient. These can be found in many curry dishes with or without coconut milk, stir fried, salad, and eaten with chillies paste. As the Thai food’s ingredients have small quantities of fat and meat, Thai people are fortunate in their fat intake being far less than most westerners. Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand by Chinese emigration. Such dishes include Jok (Rice soup), Kway teow (noodle dishes), Khao Kha Moo or Moo Pa-loh (Pork stew, with or without rice) and Khao Mun Gai (Boiled chicken on lightly oily steamed rice). However, Thai people adapted and modified these dishes for local Thai flavor and taste. Not only the unique taste in each dish, there are more reasons why Thai food is popular among foreigners. Decoration, Thai food has an attractive decoration inducing appetites. Such as, Thai fruit and vegetable carving is an art which has been introduced to dishes, which makes you feel fascinated with the delicate preparation. Also, Thai food has both values of nutrition and medicine, obtained from ingredients such as vegetables, spices and herbs and without artificial flavoring substances. Moreover, Thai food can be harmoniously taken with other food, for example, Pad Kaprao as spaghetti sauce, and Nam-prig Pao, chili paste, as sandwich filling or bread spread. Thai folk wisdom, art and Thai culture is translated in Thai food. It reveals the characteristics of Thai people: their delicate taste, discipline, rules of conduct, artistic taste and human relationship. Hence, Thai cuisine is not only about food but it is an art to learn. Thai cuisine is not only about food but it is an art to learn. Eating & Ordering Thai Food Thai food is eaten with a fork and spoon. Even single dish meals such as fried rice with pork, or steamed rice topped with roasted duck, are served in bite-sized slices or chunks obviating the need for a knife. The spoon is used to convey food to the mouth. Ideally, eating Thai food is a communal affair involving two or more people, principally because the greater the number of diners the greater the number of dishes ordered. Generally speaking, two diners order three dishes in addition to their own individual plates of steamed rice. Thais do not use knives and forks but forks and spoons, holding the fork in their left hand to help get the food onto the right-hand-held spoon. Each spoonful should be moderately filled to conform with accepted custom. Eating by stuffing the mouth full is considered impolite. There shouldn’t be any sound of scraping the utensils on the plate nor should there be grains of rice on the lips. The Thais do not scoop portions onto their plates as home style serving in the west tends to do. They share from a common dish, taking only enough for a bite or two at a time. This way one avoids seeming too greedy and everyone has an ample share of each dish. What Comprises a Thai Meal : ⠝â€" Titbits These can be hors d’oeuvres, accompaniments, side dishes, and/or snacks. They include spring rolls, satay, puffed rice cakes with herbed topping. They represent the playful and creative nature of the Thais. ⠝â€" Salads A harmony of tastes and herbal flavours are essential. Major tastes are sour, sweet and salty. Spiciness comes in different degrees according to meat textures and occasions. ⠝â€" Dips Dips entail some complexity. They can be the major dish of a meal with accompaniments of vegetables and some meats. When dips are made thinly, they can be used as salad designs. A particular and simple dip is made from chilies, garlic, dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste. ⠝â€" Soups A good meal for an average person may consist simply of a soup and rice. Traditional Thai soups are unique because they embody more flavours and textures than can be found in other types of food. ⠝â€" Curries Most non-Thai curries consist of powdered or ground dried spices, whereas the major ingredients of Thai curry are fresh herbs. A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chilies, shallots and shrimp paste. More complex curries include garlic, galangal, coriander roots, lemon grass, kefir lime peel and peppercorns. ⠝â€" Single Dishes Complete meals in themselves , they include rice and noodle dishes such as Khao Phat and Phat Thai. ⠝â€" Desserts No good meal is complete without a Thai dessert. Uniformly sweet, they are particularly welcome after a strongly spiced and herbed meal. The tastes of modern-day Thailand boast an ancient history. As early as the thirteenth-century, the Thai people had established what might be considered the heart of Siamese cuisine as we know it today: various types of meat and seafood combined with local vegetables, herbs and spices such as garlic and pepper, and served with rice. Later, the Chinese brought noodles to Thailand, as well as the introduction of the most important Thai cooking tool: the steel wok. Thai cuisine is also heavily influenced by Indian spices and flavours, which is evident in its famous green, red, and yellow curries. However, it would be nearly impossible to confuse an Indian curry with one from Thailand. Although Thai curry incorporates many Indian spices in its pastes, it still manages to maintain its own unique flavour with the addition of local spices and ingredients, such as Thai holy basil, lemongrass, and galangal (Thai ginger).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Realism Paper

Brandon Jackson There are many differences between realism and theatricalism. Realism consists of any type of play that is based off of real life events. And theatricalism is the complete opposite. It doesn’t consist of any real life events and they aren’t supposed to do such. Realism plays don’t have to have any sort of originality but they are normally written directly from real life events. When play writers are writing a realistic play they tend to write the play as common and close to everyday speech and actions of humans. Realistic plays almost always recall on flashbacks, which consist of scenes that occurred in the characters past.In realistic plays actors and actresses do not even look directly at the audience, many of times in these plays actors do not even acknowledge the audience’s presence in order to give it that realistic feel. Take the play Joe Turners come and gone for example the characters sway away from keeping in contact with the crowd and they make sure not to look at the audience for any reason. If I where to write a play on the realism of a high school students way of speaking, I would be sure to use a lot of slang in my speech to make it as realistic as possible.As said before the play Joe Turners come and gone is a great example of realism. The play shows the struggles of an African American family and consists of real live events like slavery and poverty. The characters are all working class who are barely making a living. Another realistic play, which consists of realistic event, is The Piano Lesson. Just like Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, the characters in The Piano Lesson are all working class African Americans working hard just to survive.The main character Boy Wille is so desperate for money he decides he wants to trade a piano that has been in the family for several years in order to acquire land for crop growing. But the play does use some theatricalism. Towards the end of the play they make a g host a ghost which many could agree isnt exactly realism. But even within the play they still seem to make the story very believable with a realistic. The same with The Last Five Years. This play and or musical are very realistic and utilize many different scenes of the everyday life of a married couple in Ohio.Unlike the Play Joe Turners come and gone, Angles in America is completely un realistic and is clearly imaginary. There are many aspects of Thearicalism found in this play. Nothing in this play is predictable and throughout the play the audience can be found both confused and some amazed by its creativity. Absurdism is another aspect of theatricalsim. Absurdism is the philosophical thought of people are meaningless and have no job or role in life. Many Fictional plays normally consist of some sort theatricalism and many Absurdism. Expersionalism is the thought of painting a picture with words and or in the form of a play.This can be seen in almost any play because theatre is a form or art and the main objective of any play is to paint a picture. But in any Thearticalism play the Every aspect of these plays are make believe, and they normally don’t consist of a true plot and or seem realistic. The use of Imagery and exaggeration and distortion can be found in just about any theatrical play. http://www. musicomh. com/theatre/last-five-years_0706. htm http://www. sparknotes. com/drama/piano/summary. html http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/theatricalism NOTES

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi - Essay Example However, regardless of the taxonomical ways in which current scholars debate the issue, the fact of the matter remains that a thriving civilization once existed in the Four Corners region and regardless of how it is called or classified, exhibited many of the same indicators that are currently attributed to the Anasazi people. As a function of better understanding this level of classification, this brief essay will seek to introduce the known facts, briefly discuss some myths and stories that exist with relation to these people, and settle upon a preliminary understanding of whether or not such a people group existed. One particular fascinating aspect of the myth and reality that has defined a further understanding of the Anasazi people is the evidence that archeologists and historians have recently uncovered with relation to the complex network of road systems that seemingly were built during this particular period of civilization within the Americas. The road system has long been discussed as part of Pueblo mythology and was not believed to actually exist (Kloor 22). However, due to recent studies and archeological research it has been proven that the road system does indeed exist. The root reason for this road system is still a topic of dispute due to the fact that many scholars believe and argue that the road system was economic in origin; as with almost all road construction that has taken place since the dawn of time. However, others indicate that the road system may have had the purpose of providing a way for the lost souls of ancestors to find their way back and forth between ceremonial c elebrations and other important events (Anasazi Culture 1). Although the debate is ongoing, there is a level of evidence from current Pueblo mythology that lends the most credence to the secondary interpretation alongside the fact that the true nature and level of development of the Anasazi economy are not known to a well enough degree to indicate that such an

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Next-Door Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Next-Door Anthropology - Essay Example The setting of this community did not only ease access, but also the arrangement of homesteads and structures allowed maneuvering into the remote Places. This was very important as the objective of the study entailed larger coverage and an all-inclusive Participation. With all these in account, backed by the willing to respond members of the community, the region Proved to be compatible with the entire needs of this sociocultural research. The community is said to be one of the best master Planned Particularly Popular due to its organized commercial centers and high qualities offered in relation to its residents. It also has well renowned beautiful Parks and lake views that depict the level of interactions and associations within the commonplaces. All these parameters were very important since the ethnographic study majored on social inclusions and exclusion of community members. Moreover, the standards of living in the world class community of the Orange County have inevitably created a social stratification that results to differentials in living standards of the various social classes (Bunyan 56). The community has a unique ethnic background specifically due to their well-structured organizational level. The safety of the community is on the higher note since their members always do not leave the city for outside recreational activities. Every person treasures their own natural endowment that creates a culture of reference to their home resources. The residents have spirited lifestyle of recreation that is not learnt, but pegged on ethnic background. Additionally, the community shows a sense of togetherness and civic pride that leads to social, cultural, and ethnic activities that are shared amongst all members. In essence, this research was objected to study how the ethnic aspect is organized through variables such us age, sex, race, and educational

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Communication Skills for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communication Skills for Managers - Essay Example Managers should adopt a business environment that supports high employee productivity. Communication skills of managers should be effective in addressing the different demands of the employees and achieving the objectives of the business. Proper communication skills used by managers are critical in retaining employees. Business managers should consider the effective use of the different levels of communication. Communication channels at the workplace should encourage a nationwide forum in which all employees engage. Departmental communication is equally valuable in any business. Team communication is vital to ensure an inclusive teamwork. Communication at the lowest level involving individuals is equally valuable. A vital role of management is to ensure employee satisfaction. According to studies, employee dissatisfaction is an innermost factor that can be the cause underperformance at the workplace. Business goals are unattainable when there is a high level of employee dissatisfacti on and underperformance. Poor communication strategies adopted by managers have diverse impacts on the operations at the workplace. The implications of increased employee turnover can be massive when there is ineffective communication at the workplace. ... The business may make serious losses and fail to meet its goals. Poor service provision by employees to business customers may be a cause of a high rate of product defects. High defect rates of products also leads to serious business losses. Communication in the workplace is necessary in updating employees on the business goals. Communication is also central in passing informing to employees on the possible adjustments in the programs of the organization. Such adjustments are invaluable in attaining the business' set goals. Any lack of focus on the business objectives, by employees, can affect the business to a vast level. Communication, therefore, is instrumental in ensuring that employees are at par with the business objectives and make necessary adjustments. Innovation is central in achieving the objectives and successful operation of every business. Businesses are most likely to have stifled innovation when communication is poor, ineffective and uncoordinated. With little innovat ion, the business attracts low competitive advantage in the market. The emergence of market trends necessitates the adoption proper communication skills to drive diverse success factors in the management of every business. Organizational behavior has an extensive contribution in the achievement of workplace success. This depends on the extent of communication that managers invest in, at the workplace. The success of every business must encompass all aspects including effective communication. Internal communication involves the exchange of information within the organization (Kaul 7). It occurs between the business management and organization’s employees. External communication involves the exchange of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

NETWORK PROPOSAL Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NETWORK PROPOSAL - Term Paper Example The key components of this proposal include the objectives, guiding principles, methodology of implementation, a technology strategic direction, goals, objectives, and a high level schedule to direct each step in the direction of the vision. Tasks will be updated and constantly monitored to ensure progress and accountability during implementation. Technology investments will be regulated appropriately to make certain that they are on course toward the achievement of Shiv LLC’S strategic vision and goals. Shiv LLC is a manufacturer and distributor of solar panels for the consumer market. Presently, the company is operational in three cities: Los Angeles, Dallas, and Houston. Shiv LLC intends to expand their operations rapidly due to an escalating demand for solar panels. A devoted â€Å"cloud computing† setting shall enable Shiv LLC to merge networking and processing services in a virtual environment. Such environment shall convey a high degree of availability, business continuity, and redundancy, while simultaneously enabling roughly all information to be controlled and availed both centrally and across networks. iv. Data, information and applications shall be accessible via the cloud network; and consequently the company shall reduce its permanent electronic and data processing servers overseas, thereby decreasing environmental impact and operational cost. The network shall be in place as an inter-branch platform. vii. Employees shall be able to attend to tasks from their home, while travelling, or while in meetings with stakeholders. All resources they have at their desks shall be accessible to them from any part of the globe, subject to stringent security requirements and processing limitations of where they are situated and what device they are carrying. This technology proposal shall offer a well centralized and standardized technology infrastructure and timely delivery of

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Kurdish winter Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

The Kurdish winter - Movie Review Example The documentary â€Å"The Kurdish Winter† is considerably long, as it runs for approximately one hour. The film mainly involves various Kurdish victims of the Kurdish genocide. These through narrations, tell their stories of what happened then. They also share knowledge on the various challenges they continue to face today in the world as Kurdish people. As highlighted, this documentary aims at revealing the truth to the world about the Kurdish situation. This, therefore, adopted the enlightenment theory of truth, as a major way or technique through which documentary could present its truth. In this case, this documentary aims at ensuring that after watching, the audience is able to think critically. The audience will, therefore, be better placed to comprehend how the real Kurdish situation is, and apart from the notion provided by the mainstream media.Screening this documentary was one of the most important exercises I was involved in. I considered this as an opportunity to j udge the feedback from the public, basing on the reactions of the audience present at the time of screening the documentary. This would, therefore, give me a clue on the level of impact the documentary will make after receiving a wider audience from different parts of the world. When screening a documentary, there are different challenges that one should expect; however, this depends on the nature of the documentary to be screened. In my case, I although I was keen enough to follow the right procedures of screening a documentary, this did not shield me from various challenges.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Public Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Public Health - Essay Example The primary goal of the nurses is to promote and preserve the health of the population through the assessment of the health needs, health planning, implementation and evaluation of the current impact of health services to the target population (Clark, 2008). The nurse is expected to act as a clinician, health educator by dissemination of correct disease prevention information, facilitator by establishing linkages and evaluator of the outcome of the nursing interventions. The nurses are involved in health promotion services and disease prevention in the communities (Carroll, 2004). The nurse is actively involved in health planning process by identifying the community health problems and environmental hazards that present high health risk to the target population (Clark, 2008). Role in health planning The nurse must collaborate with specific risk populations within the community in developing a public policy that will guide the disease prevention efforts (Phyllis, 2009, p 20). ... The community health nurse must be actively involved in setting the priorities for the health-related interventions that lead to great impact on the health of the population (Carroll, 2004). Accordingly, the nurse will be tasked with the design and outlining the key areas that will be covered in the health education campaigns and disease prevention efforts such as providing awareness on the need of immunizations, personal hygiene and disease screening (Phyllis, 2009, p 22). It is the duty of the nurse to identify the vulnerable and high-risk groups and provide the necessary assistance in preventing the communicable diseases (Clark, 2008). Role in implementation The nurse is expected to assist the patients to attain optimum health care in situations of ill health, injury or normal health. Accordingly, the nurse is tasked with maintaining client and administrative health records and adhering to the professional and legal framework regarding the confidentiality and privacy of patients ( Clark, 2008). The nurse must advocate for the dignity and respect of patients and respect the autonomy of the patients in regards to the health needs. In addition, the nurse is expected to promote the principles of fairness and equity while addressing the health needs of the clients and promoting healthy environment in the homes, schools and community. As an educator, the nurse is tasked with promoting higher results through constant review of the emerging issues regarding the health care promotion services (Carroll, 2004). The nurse has a collaborative role that entails working closely with other health care professionals such as occupational therapists psychologists, biostatisticians, and nutritionists in promotion the health

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper Essay

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper - Essay Example The person applying for fresh license should not be less than 21 years of age, should be of resolute and good character, and should possess sound physical and mental prowess. If the applicant is a body corporate, and not an individual, the above rules shall apply to the members of its governing body. The minimum standards in this regard are laid out by SBH (State Board of Health). The application shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be authenticated and should include such particulars such as type of institution, address, manager of the institution and such other information as is deemed necessary by the Commissioner. In the case of Association, body corporate etc; it has to be signed by at least 2 members of the management association for validation. The Application for the fresh license should be accompanied by Licensure Fees @ $10 per bed as per maximum bed capacity, which would include cribs and accessories. The fees paid cannot be refunded except in the case of the lic ense requisition having been refused, and normally, a issued license has validity for one year. The rates for such licenses would be based on its duration, and would be charged on the basis of whole unit US dollars. There are certain conditions governing the issue of licenses, and those are as follows: According to the prevailing laws available in Oklahoma, certain medical occupations do not need licenses. Services like body massagers, natural treatments etc fall in this category. But in such cases, the consumer has to give an undertaking that he has been fully informed about the nature of the relevant facts concerning the practitioner. These are: the address of the clinic, the type of treatment carried out, the professional qualifications of the practitioner, the fact that he does not profess to be holding certificate of medical practice, etc. It is the practitioner’s duty to inform the consumer regarding any changes in it. If there is any violation under this clause, it can

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Cruise Ship Industry Effects Essay Example for Free

The Cruise Ship Industry Effects Essay 1. (a) Critically evaluate the impacts that the cruise ship industry has on destinations. (b) Suggest recommendations that can be used to minimize or mitigate the problems Identified in question 2a. 1. Critically evaluate the impacts that the cruise ship industry has on destinations. The Caribbean represents the main market for the cruise industry. As a major destination, the Caribbean cruised has been activated since early 1980, and has identified itself with the cruising industry over the years. While there are clearly benefits to be gained from cruise ship visits, there are also issues which destinations must consider, in order to optimize benefits and reduce negative impact, ( Manning, 2006). The main challenges encountered by activating the cruise ship industry in the Caribbean are as followed: environment challenges, maintaining market share and growth patterns, the concentration of the cruising industry, the increase in ships capacity, congestion, natural disasters, diversification of the product offered and competition with hotels, (Dridea et al, n.d). Environmental Impacts The environmental impacts of the cruise industry may be positive or negative. This industry may encourage an appreciation of the environment, and generate support and funds for environmental protection, but it can also degrade the marine and adjacent terrestrial environment. The environmental costs of the sector are incalculable given that the cruise ship industry is unregulated and difficult to gauge widely its impacts, despite enforcing environmental standards for the industry. For example, the introduction of the cruise shipping Port Facilities in Falmouth has posed negative impact on the environment. Mott Macdonald (2007) postulates that the major impacts expected from the development of the Port Facilities in Falmouth includes: loss of habitat and biodiversity such negative impacts are a major concern to Jamaican coastal areas where the reefs are already stressed from a number of anthropogenic and natural threats, loss of fish habitat widening of the entrance of the channel will partially remove the reef wall which is a primary habitat to Bermuda Chub .The potential exists for disruption to fish habitat, spawning and feeding grounds and possibly fish migratory routes. This represents a direct long-term adverse impact to the fish community on the reef and in the harbour. Other environmental impact includes: †¢ Loss of Coral Cover †¢ Ecological Impacts ( its associated flora and fauna) †¢ Increased fresh water runoff due to expansion of paved area †¢ Increased potential for oil spills Economic Impact The cruise industry has the potential to provide economic benefits to a port state. These economic benefits arise from five principal sources: 1) spending by cruise passengers and crew; 2) the shore side staffing by the cruise lines for their headquarters, marketing and tour operations 3) expenditures by the cruise lines for goods and services necessary for cruise operations; 4) spending by the cruise lines for port services; and 5) expenditures by cruise lines for the maintenance. The cruise industry has provided the highest economic contribution for the United State Virgin Island, according to the survey conducted by the U.S.-based organization Business Research and Economic Advisors (BREA) during the period of 2005-2006 cruise year , it was concluded that the total cruise tourism expenditures in U.S. Virgin Islands summed up to $362 million. St. Maarten had the second highest per passenger spending rate and the highest expenditure rate, resulting in $246 million in cruise tourism expenditures. However, over emphasis on the economic benefits derived from tourism has often led to adverse physical and social consequences. The reason for this is the simple fact that, as tourism development and tourist activity expands, so too does the potential harm, social impact and potential for human induced harm and disturbance to destination residents and the environment (Jackson 2006). Kenneth (2003), also concur with Jackson that even though the cruise sector has opened up an opportunity for heavy use and instantaneous cash flow from short term but intense use, this had added pressure onto land-based facilities, resulting in congestion, scheduling and control problems, which have affected visitor satisfaction which will result in decline cruise visitors. Other experts in the field agreed with the statements mention above that as the cruise ships continue to grow larger, further investment may be required. Under these types of tourism scenarios with high infrastructure or environmental costs, rapid growth of tourism may result in a stagnation of or even a decline in GDP (Gooroochurn et al (2005); Nowak et al (2003) and Nowak et al (2007). Social impacts Interactions between resident and cruise passengers can have positive effects offering residents the possibility of learning about the world and explore new life perspectives. The largest social issue for a destination is people pollution; increasing cruise activities restrict the space of residents and sometimes push them to adopt different moral conducts. Suggest recommendations that can be used to minimize or mitigate the problems Identified in question 2a. In order for a destination to minimize or mitigate the problems associated with the cruise industry they need to follow in the ‘footsteps’ of the Eastern Canadian, with the introduction of cruise ships into that environmentally sensitive areas of the Eastern Canadian Arctic raises many concerns. However, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) introduced a set of principles, when implemented, could help in the protection of the Arctic and its environment from negative effects caused by tourism. I concur with Kenneth Atherley (2003), that in order to minimize the added pressure onto land-based facilities, resulting in congestion, scheduling and control problems, which have affected visitor satisfaction. Countries need to implement the strategy of Bermuda which placed a cap on cruise tourism, this strategy outline that not more than two (2) ships should be at the Port at one time, and each passenger have to pay $60 head tax, ships operating in their water must employ Caribbean nationals, pay US$1.5 million towards an education fund; each passenger must have a US$30 voucher at the ship’s expense. Additionally, another way to solve the problems associated with the cruise industry in the Caribbean region lies with the tourism policymakers; they need to work collaboratively with all stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the benefits derived from tourism, while at the same time minimizing costs/negative impacts. They can also implement carrying capacity strategies which aimed at maintaining the balance between social and ecological monitoring programs. Other strategies to mitigate the negative impact caused by the cruise industry is to monitor and evaluate the impact of cruise tourism on the natural, social and cultural environment in order to ensure the conservation of the resource base; continuously assess the carrying capacity of the existing attractions and services used by the cruise visitor, and develop mechanisms for the management of these sites on a sustainable basis. Encourage the enhancement of existing attractions and facilities and the development of new ones; establish and manage strong relationships with the cruise industry to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes; develop appropriate programmers which effectively convert cruise passengers to long stay visitors. References Dridea R. and Mihai., B (n.d). The Impact of the Cruising Industry on Local Destination Retrieved from Gooroochurn N. and Blake A., (2005). Tourism Immiserization: Fact or Fiction? Feem Working Paper No. 143.05. Fondazione Eni Enrico Matei. Jackson, L. A. (2006). Ameliorating the negative impacts of tourism: a Caribbean perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18 (7), 574-582. Retrieved from Emerald Database. Kenneth A. (2003). Cruise Industry–Related Challenges Facing Caribbean Destinations. Retrieved from Manning T,( 2006), Managing Cruise Ship Impacts: Guidelines for Current and Potential Destination Communities. Retrievied from Nowak J.J., Sahli, M. And Sgo, P. (2003). Tourism, trade and domestic welfare, Pacific Economic Review, 8 (3), pp. 245-258. Nowak J.J.,. and Sahli, M., (2007). Coastal tourism and â€Å"Dutch diseases† in a small island economy, Tourism Economics, 13 (1), pp. 49-65.